Monday, November 27, 2017

                Wayne Country Day Fine Arts Department 


December 21, 2017
10:00 a.m.
Performing Arts Building

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Grandparents Day is September 11th, 2017- 8:00-8:45 am

All grandparents and grand-friends are welcome to attend classroom visitations
and a short musical performance by the Early Years and Lower School.

The children will be singing and dancing to American Folk music

Dress Requirements for the performance:

Early Years can wear normal school day clothes.

Lower School children please wear a plain white shirt, blue jean pants, shorts or skirts 
and tennis shoes. I will provide a red or navy bandana to complete their performance outfit.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dress requirements for Dr. Seuss Program:

1.     Everyone MUST wear TENNIS SHOES.

2.     Please try to wear as many striped articles of clothing as you can. The stripes do not have to match! You do not have to buy anything! Just search your closets and drawers.

3.     If the children want to, you can help them have a “Who” hairstyle. Girls: ponytails (as many as you would like), wires and cones would be really cool! Boys: spiked-up hair and you could spray it blue or wear a blue wig (like “Thing 1 and Thing 2”)  The “Who” hair is totally OPTIONAL!

Well here we are,

We're well on our way

to March 31 at 2:00

our big program day!